If you are requesting a review of an assessment based on the following:
- Failure to assess work in accordance with the assessment criteria specified in the relevant subject outline;
- Technical marking or mark collation error; or
- Bias on the part of the marker:
You may lodge a formal request for a review of an assessment mark or grade with the Head of School via the Education Services Team within 10 working days from notification of your mark or grade. Please complete this form:
Review of an Assessment Grade Application Form
Assessment and Outcome
After examining the request and any supporting material and other relevant documentation and, if necessary, speaking with you or other relevant parties where appropriate, the Head of School (or nominee) may:
- Proceed with review of the mark or grade, and carry out the review or appoint an academic staff member to do so on their behalf; or
- Refuse to take the matter further if there are insufficient grounds for the request.
- No review is available in respect of your mark or grade if it has already been the subject of a formal moderation process.
The Head of School (or nominee) must, within 10 working days of receipt of the request:
- Determine the request review of a mark or grade; and
- Notify you in writing, of their determination, including reasons for the determination and, if appropriate, any remedial action to be taken if the review is upheld.
You may lodge an appeal against the outcome of a request for review of a mark or grade, by following the processes in the Grievance and Appeals Policy.
If you are requesting a review of an assessment based on compassionate and compelling circumstances:
Please email the student experience team: experience@ikon.edu.au
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